Der World Poetry Day – jedes Jahr am 21. März

Der 21. März ist der von der UNESCO deklarierte „World Poetry Day“ bzw. „International Day of Poetry“…

Irina Bokova, Generaldirektorin der UNESCO, schreibt dazu …

Every poem is unique but each reflects the universal in human experience, the aspiration for creativity that crosses all boundaries and borders, of time as well as space, in the constant affirmation of humanity as a single family.“

Und auf einer entsprechenden Website ist zu lesen …

„Poetry reaffirms our common humanity by revealing to us that individuals, everywhere in the world, share the same questions and feelings.

Poetry is the mainstay of oral tradition and, over centuries, can communicate the innermost values of diverse cultures.

In celebrating World Poetry Day, March 21, UNESCO recognizes the unique ability of poetry to capture the creative spirit of the human mind.

One of the main objectives of the Day is to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and to offer endangered languages the opportunity to be heard within their communities.“

Noch einmal Irina Bokova …

„This is the power of poetry. It is the power of imagination to brighten reality, to inspire our thoughts with something more inventive than dismay.

Poetry is the universal human song, expressing the aspiration of every woman and man to apprehend the world and share this understanding with others, through the arrangement of words in rhythm and meter. There may be nothing more delicate than a poem and, yet, it expresses all of the power of the human mind, and so there is nothing more resilient.

Poetry is as old as humanity itself, and as diverse — embodied in traditions, oral and written, that are as varied as are the human face, each capturing the depth of emotions, thought and aspiration that guide every woman and men.“


UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) – März 2015 –

Global Poetry. Creativity. Dignity. Dialogue. Global Citizenship – März 2015 – – und –

21. März 2015