Esther is the main character of the game. He was a hunter, but ended up ruining his relationship to the hunters order and getting kicked out.
His brother was supposed to take care of him - either by killing him or changing his ways. He succeeded only in killing him.
Esthers experiments with the hunger have made him undead - and so until he is killed as a hunger-beast would be, he keeps coming back.
Kalyk is the antagonist of the game. He is a well respected hunter. He was sent by the hunters order to take care of his brother.
They repair and upgrade Esthers weapon in skippable long scenes filled with dialog. They seem to be very close with Esther.
Suna is a younger hunter. She’s just starting on her training. Her instructor is Kalyk and she considers Esther her nemesis.
She is a mysterious person, who is a bit too curious about monster parts. Very money oriented.