Marie C. Stewart


One Step Closer - My dream of writing a Novel


Verbal Communication did sound like a rather strange major to pick. But after the first semester I tried nontheless and I am glad I did. I love to write. German, English, one day Japanese too. But publishing was always something out of my reach. A dream. Wishful thinking. While I didn't turn into an amazing writer over the course of the 2. semester, it feels like maybe it's not as impossible as I think. My professor certainly gives me the feeling, that my dream to become a writer can one day be reality. With enough work and enough dedication. To think that he said that my idea for a novel that I made up sounds good? I honestly still can't believe it.

The hell that is Animation Class


I picked Animation as one of my majors in hopes of learning more about how to animate. Now, you might have seen some of my first advances of Frame by Frame animation (or not?). And you might think: Wow, that must be nice! - To learn stuff like that in class. BUT. There is. One. Problem. I didn't learn that in class. All self-study. No one looks at my projects to give feedback because it is not relevant for the semester assignment (Not that I ever asked - ok well, no. I did once). But I keep wondering. How am I supposed to learn, if no one tells me what to do or rather how or where to improve?

My obvious lack of talent for technology


I suck with anything that relates to technology. Be it a high-end Camera or how to use shortcuts on a keyboard. But being able to program websites offers a secure future. I can always fall back on a skill like that. But. I am surprised to see that it's not as much of a mystery voodoo magic as I always thought it would be. With the past semester in mind and all the things I learned I can only say this: Interaction as a major? Yes, definitely. I can only recommend.