Wow. That was a year. Stressful, yet exciting. I have the feeling that the last twelve months, spanning two semesters in the new university, were a complete gamechanger for my art journey and development. Despite- maybe because of the virus too. I've learned so much about myself and where I want to go next, it's insane. I've learned so many new software skills, I just cannot wait to combine and go crazy with, in all sorts of ways. In short- the semester holidays will probably be spent by 3d-related concept art, creative coding, book-rewriting-finishings, and way more, most-exciting shenanigans.
Since this will be the place for updates - after all, that's the name of this page - I decided that here is the place to come clean about my never-ending struggle and explain, where the actual portfolio content is. The truth is: Not there yet - ok - let me elaborate. The assignment explicitly tells you, to show at least 5 works of art on your website. And I did- on the main portfolio folder page. The reason I didn't go crazy above and beyond that is, that I want to actually use this website for private purposes after semester end - and for that - I want to rework, finalize and refine my current artwork to the point of my current personal max level of perfection first. So that I am pleased with my portfolio status, which isn´t really related to the whole web design subject at all. Though- if there are pages in my portfolio that showcase actual content by now, it probably means I procrastinated on other college work, by reworking my portfolio instead. Either way. More updates - will - come! In the meantime, I've linked to some places and accounts, where you can find the specific, desired content you looked for, processes, and everything made by me, in the thematically ordered portfolio folders. As a buffer, so you don't go off this website empty-handed and to prove that - yes - I actually do that stuff, that´s listed on my portfolio. Enjoy!
So, it's done. If you are reading this - and you probably are, what am I talking about - you have somehow made your way to my first ever coded website. More specifically, to the blog page. Congratulations. And whether you are the professor, correcting the assignment - I worked so hard on it, oh my god -, a curious student, a lost soul in the depths of the internet's most random URLs, or my mom reading this and not understanding a word, 'cause she doesn't speak English at all- you are here now. And for that, I gotta say: Hey- How you´re doing? Do you like what you see? Let me know! As it is the first of its kind, I still have a lot to learn. Feedback would always be absolutely awesome. Just click the envelope icon in my social media links and write me a quick mail. Would mean a lot to me. Btw. If you have nothing better to do than that- why not check out this website's sexy responsiveness in the developer tools too? Or click around in the Javascript parts of this website, which are also entirely coded by myself. Even tho it wasn't part of the assignment - and maybe not even allowed in the first place... yikes - I really wanted to challenge myself with this one and learn as much input as humanly possible. To achieve that, I followed literal 20-hour courses (I highly recommend the "Responsive Web Design Essentials - HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap" Skillshare class by Daniel Scott) and read a bunch of books and articles (where I recommend "Grundkurs - Gutes Webdesign" by Björn Rholes). After all, before that semester, I was a bloody beginner, never wrote a line of HTML before. So I am actually really proud of this one. The amount of things I learned in this one assignment is actually unreal. I even feel confident with most of this stuff now. How cool is that?