ABOUT: My name is Thammathat, I am a 2nd Year Student at the Technische Hochschule in Nuremberg. (technical university of applied sciences) I currently Study film and animation, Cast, and Digital Experiences. I try to widen my skillset and built my portfolio. A few of my interests are playing the guitar and cooking. Artwise I really like exploring new styles and trying to familiarise myself with them. My favourite medium is 2D digitally handdrawn animation. I think my passion is reflected in my works.
IMPRESSUM: This website is a course work from the design course at the Technical University Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm. Responsible for the content in this subfolder: Thammathat Chaimod (chaimodth94942@th-nuernberg.de), Student at the Faculty of Design at Nuremberg technical university of applied science Georg Simon Ohm. Adress: Simon Ohm Wassertorstrasse 10, part of the building WG D-90489 Nuremberg