

Mantis shrimp.

Did you know that mantis shrimp have the most complex eyes in the animal kingdom? They have 12-16 different colour photoreceptors, which is three times more than a human. This makes them able to recognize specific colour wavelengths including ultraviolet.
But mantis shrimp also have an incredible powerful punch. Their claws can strike with a force of 1.500 newtons which is powerful enough to break through glass.


Flying fish.

You probably already heard about flying fish, fish that launch themselves out of the water and are known to accidentally land on some poor fella’s boat.
But were you aware that they are able to jump at speeds of up to 60kmh? Or that there are some species of flying fish that are able to change colour?


Portuguese man o'war.

You might already know the reputation of one of the most venomous jellyfishes, but did you know that the Portuguese man o’war isn’t actually a jellyfish? It is in fact a siphonophore, which is a colony of specialized organisms working together. Its tentacles can reach up to 50m and can still sting even after it’s dead or washed up on shore. But despite that dangerous reputation it’s still an important part of the ocean’s ecosystem.