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From Bogotá to Nuremberg: Finding a Home Away from my country


When I arrived in Nuremberg from Colombia at the age of 17, adapting proved to be a challenging endeavor. Making friends was difficult, and the initial sense of loneliness weighed heavily on me. However, as time passed, a transformative journey unfolded.

One of the remarkable aspects of my life in Germany is the opportunity to connect with people from diverse cultures. I have had the chance to forge meaningful friendships and embrace new experiences. While my family may not be physically present, their presence resides deep within my heart.

Germany has provided me with countless opportunities for personal and professional growth. I have been able to broaden my horizons, both personally and career-wise. The support and resources available here have allowed me to thrive and discover my true potential.

From Bogotá to Nuremberg, I have found a home that extends beyond physical boundaries. Germany has welcomed me with open arms, offering an enriching tapestry of experiences, a sense of belonging, and boundless opportunities for personal and professional development.

Bis Spaetersilie!

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