Why I made brownies


I was just so frustrated cause my laptop still broken in a bad time. SO, in order to cheer me up I decided to make somethimg sweat with a lot of chocolate :)

Melt pieces of chocolate in the microwave on low power, then combine with butter until smooth and glossy. You can also melt chocolate on the stovetop using a double boiler set up, just make sure that the temperature of the liquid does not exceed 49ºC to prevent flavor loss. Whisk in cocoa powder, sugar, eggs, vanilla, and salt until thickened. Add all-purpose flour until just combined to prevent an overly chewy texture. Spread the batter out into a pan fitted with a greased foil sling to make it easier to remove the brownies (no stuck edges or bottoms). Bake in an oven preheated to 177ºC for about 30 minutes, then cool completely before cutting.

Embarrassing moment by Language Learner


One thing about language learning is how embarrassing it can be, you know? For example, a friend taught English while he lived in Erlangen, and once he had to call a student at her workplace to confirm the time of their appointment. When the receptionist answered the phone, he scrambled to find the words to ask for Maria at extension 234. “Guten Morgen” – so far so good – “hier ist Mollie” – awesome – “darf ich mit Maria sprechen,” – wow, nailed it, (got that first verb in and held on to the second till the end of the phrase!) Because he was on such a roll, I wanted to go for the $10 word, “extension”, what was it? – oh yeah – “Durchfall 234”....LAUGHING.... the woman said: You mean Durchwahl!.....