10/07/24 Tomorrow's the deadline... I finished 12 Illustrations in less than two weeks and for that time span I think they're quite ok. Some shortcuts here and there but for now it's the best I can offer. Spoiler: They're just the beginning. I'll work on the official Visual Novel Game with the characters teased in the short story after all this university chaos is finally over. Stay tuned lolz!
07/07/24 I've got so much to do for my university assignments since most of them have to be done on the same day. Luckily, my CGI Prof moved his deadline as far back possible even maybe getting a bit of trouble for it but I am very thankful to him. Of course, it would be be nice if every Prof could do the same but.. who knows maybe I would still complain then.
06/06/24 I'm studying in my 3rd Semester and doing my digital experience assignment last minute again. I decided to redo it all over again, taking a few things here and there from my previous website drafts. I might overdo it with the shadow effects.. But they're so cool.