Weekly Gym Plan (mock up)


30. Dezember 2023

Push Day is dedicated for my lower, middle and upper chest, deltoids and triceps. For this day, I'll want to include workouts like bench press in different angles to train all parts of my chest muscles. In order to train the deltoids I do lateral raises and for my triceps I should include tricep extensions.


31. Dezember 2023

Today, I'll train my glutes and quads. The calves can't be skipped of course.

35. Dezember 2023

This time I focus on my Hamstrings and Calves. The only thing that changed is instead of training my quads I train my hamstrings. So instead of working with leg extensions that targets the quads I train Hamstring curls that targets the hams.


33. Dezember 2023

This day is special, because it helps building that doritos physique. So I need to train my lower, middle and upper back. To do that, I usually go with lat pulldowns for the upper back, rows, rhomboid exercises and deltoid exercises.