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I am Laura, a learning illustrator from Munich-Germany currently studying Design.

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In this challenge, I figured out how to lay down color in a sketchy and fast way but still in a pretty decend quality!

/ Digital work / 2048x2048 / Drawing Time: 2Hours /


"Just" a random little doodle that came out pretty neat (: - nothing more to say about it

/ Digital work / 673x652 / Drawing Time: 3Hours&30Min /

How my little drawings are made you might ask? Well I am glad you asked and it is actually pretty simple.

Sometimes I have the urge to just simply draw something. Nothing big at all just a silly drawing for myself.

So I grab some refrence pictures from the internet or from pinterest and just start sketching. No thinking - no especial task or challenge - just drawing and having fun. And most of the time I really really like the outcome of it and sometimes - in some very very special cases - I´ll work on them even further to define them even more.

Ahhh yes - internet challenges. The best ones for artist. And in my case, to just experiment and to set myself the task.

"Drawing every single day!"

And so I did - at least most of the time. It is realy hard to keep up on the task and sometimes even force yourself to draw just anything but that is the hang of the challenge - just keep on doing and don´t quit because of laziness.

I have to admit, sometimes I had to cheat in form of - I drew 2-3 figures in a day and let it count as 2 or 3 drawings - but it helped me in not giving up and really force me trough drawing for a whole month. Conclusion of the whole thing, I was very stressed because of it, but I learned a lot of new things and that in a short period of time.



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